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School Renaming Process


Over the past several years, the Board of Education of Charles County has received requests to rename schools named after individuals presumed to have been slave owners.

  • In 2023, the Board revised its school name policy (Policy 7230) to include a process to follow regarding the renaming of a school or facility.
  • In February 2024, the NAACP made a request during public comment for the Board to rename schools named after individuals who were slave owners and requested the Board start with Smallwood M.S.
  • Following Policy 7230, the Board requested and was provided at its April 2024 meeting an overview of the reasons for the naming of the school, a brief history of General Smallwood, and an estimate for costs related to renaming the school.


Prior to deciding whether to rename Smallwood M.S., the Board requested the Smallwood community be provided with opportunities to share feedback about possibly renaming the school.

  • Excerpt from Policy 7230:
    The Board may not vote on the decision to rename a school until holding at least three intervening Board meetings after notification to the specific school community... The Superintendent shall implement a process for developing recommendations to the Board on the new name of the school facility.

Community Engagement

Meeting Presentation

First page of the PDF file: SmallwoodCommunityOverview52024

Virtual Meeting Recording

School Renaming Overview

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